Technology Diligent and VDR for Due Diligence

In the past, when investors or auditors were required to examine the company’s documents, this was accomplished by renting a room in an actual place where hundreds or thousands of binders were piled up to be inspected. The process was costly and time-consuming for all those involved.

With a VDR however, all the data is available on the Internet. This eliminates the need for a physical space, and permits users to work from any location in the world. It also facilitates an efficient and quicker due diligence procedure, compared to analyzing countless binders of data.

When selecting a VDR for due diligence, consider features like automatic indexing and bulk structure import. These features allow VCs to navigate the VDR library. A well-organized taxonomy as well as a name conventions are helpful as well. It is important to choose a VDR with alert and notification capabilities so that the stakeholders are informed when new files are uploaded to the system.

A reliable VDR will also limit the ability to print and download files in order to prevent hypersensitive information from being leaked or distributed by the wrong individuals. It also permits administrators to alter the user’s permissions for end users which allows them to grant specific authorization levels to many users. These features will help avoid security breaches as well as regulatory penalties. Utilizing technology in a diligent manner and vdr for due diligence will help startups prove the value of their business to investors, which is essential in fundraising.